Robots . Installations . Embedded .

ModTech: A Multi-Sensory Experience for the Grey Art Gallery
Cybernetic Echoes
Data Horizon

Wearable Tech . Soft Circuits .

DanceBits: Educational Computing Kit for Supporting Dance Practices
LED dance suits for STEM From Dance Paris Performance
These pieces (top and right) are wearable products with sewable neopixels lit up and controlled with soft circuit configurations
This solar headband is part of a series of mini solar panel based projects I worked on as part of the NYU IDM Wearables Lab
Solar Necklace Tutorial developed at NYU SoftLab
Soft Circuit Signage (updating)
Wings for Theatre performance (updating)

Tangible Interfaces . Physical Computing .

Magnetic Tracks
Immersive Melodies
The Living Dependency
Animatronics Tutorial - Shocked Monster
Animatronics Tutorial - Sliding Doors (Updating)

IoT . Health Care . Sensors .

Patient monitoring system using low-cost sensors

Animation . 3D Modeling .

3D Modelling in MAYA
The Glass Cage - A 2D Animation story project

Games . Unity . 2D . 3D . GLUT .

2D Obstacle Game
Ready for School - Point & Click 3D game

Robotics . Space Science .

The Science on a Mars Rover